30 - The Rediscovered Treasure (Part 3)

Episode Highlights

We are born as emotional and spiritual creatures. We are born with feelings.  Before we ever think or speak our first word, we are expressing ourselves as feeling creatures.

We experience life in the very beginning as God made us through our feelings and through the  longings to be in relationship with our mothers and fathers.

We came out of the womb experiencing life through what we feel.

We came out of the womb looking for who was looking for us. We were looking for emotional  and spiritual connection through relationship, before we were ever able to think or speak.

This emotional and spiritual language is the language of the heart.

We communicated from the very beginning of our lives with our feelings.


is a feeling you feel when you experience a wound.

is possibly the most embarrassing feeling we carry and experience.

is acknowledging that someone or something “got to me.”

is a feeling that acknowledges that I am vulnerable.

Hurt that is not acknowledged becomes resentment. It is the impaired expression of hurt. It is a justification of your right to act badly towards another person because you carry a pain  that they’ve given you. Resentment takes us out of relationship. People who won’t acknowledge their hurt, hurt others with their resentment.  (Hurt people, hurt people.)


God gave us loneliness so we would seek out relationship.

We can be lonely for ourselves. There are times when we just need to be alone and have solitude.

We can be lonely to be with others.

There is a loneliness for “home” (heaven, or to be with God) that will not go away while  we live on this earth. We will always walk this earth with some loneliness because we  are not complete. We are lonely for God.

Loneliness that is not acknowledged becomes apathy. Apathy develops when you try to make your heart stop caring about relationship.


is a feeling you get when you lose something that matters to you or is important to  you.

is the feeling that honors; it values what you value.

is a cleansing feeling.

is how you relieve ourselves from carrying the burden of the pain of daily life.

Sadness that is not acknowledged becomes self-pity. Self-pity is a way of trying to escape your  pain.


31 - The Rediscovered Treasure (Part 4)


29 - The Rediscovered Treasure (Part 2)