44 - Recovery from Codependency: The Power of Prayer for Recovery
The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at bryan@vothcenter.com.
Congratulations to the 5 Winners of the Chip Dodd Book Bundles! Thank you to all of you who submitted a review of this podcast.
2 helpful, FREE Resources at chipdodd.com:
14 Symptoms of Codependency: A Personal Inventory
Return to Being Human: 6 Freedoms from Birth
The Boy & The Ogre: Finding Freedom from Codependency by Chip Dodd
Now Available at Amazon
The Jesse Tree: A Christmas Devotional for Individuals, Couples, & Families is a 24-day devotional that prepares us for the birth of Jesus. It is offered as a free eBook at chipdodd.com, and it can be purchased from Amazon. The Jesse Tree includes daily devotions that start with creation and end with the birth of Jesus. Each day has a list of ideas for extending the day’s “study” and opportunity with fellowship with your family, friends, and God. Your Jesse Tree will be covered in Bible-themed ornaments that will be a daily reminder of the stories you have read and the promise of the coming Messiah. Order now, the devotional begins December 1st.
The reason for this podcast is because for people to have more life, more fulfillment. The things talked about here, and the materials referred to, are about knowing the language and content of your heart, and what that can do for you. It won’t stop pain, but helps you know what to do about it. It certainly doesn’t promise perfection or even happiness. But knowing the language and content of the heart helps people develop the ability to live life on life’s terms, with all of its heartbreak and heartache that conflicts with our craving for life without tragedy.
Our goal is for people to experience time in this life as Kairos, which means to experience your life emotionally and spiritually, fully participating in living, rather than Chronos, which means just getting life over with, letting the clock run down.
If we don’t allow ourselves to live emotionally and spiritually connected, then we have to find an escape or addiction.
Without living in Kairos, we are simply on a race to the grave.
Codependency recovery moves us into Kairos.
Because there has been so much misunderstanding about the proper use of feelings, there is a rising backlash against the importance of facing, feeling, and dealing with life by being able to be “response-able” with feelings.