Season 3 Episode 28 - The Rediscovered Treasure (Part 1)

Our God is not a god of an event; He is the God of the journey and the God of relationship. God is also our destiny.

“Then the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:9 (NASB)

“…Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of  life.” Revelation 22:17 (NIV)

God is in pursuit of our hearts; He is in pursuit of what He created.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”  Psalm 139:13

When we came into this world, we were stamped with the image of God. God made us in His image.

You and I were created to live fully. We were created as emotional and spiritual creatures,  created to live fully in relationship with myself, with others, and with God.

We are made to live fully in 3D.

We’re made to feel it.

We’re made to seek it.

We’re made to hurt over it.

We’re made to laugh about it.

We’re made to take joy in it.

We’re made to hunger, seek, and ask.

We’re made for play, and work, and creation, and sharing.

We are made in the image of God!

Everything about life is about relationship.

The 18” journey from our heads to our hearts is the longest journey that we will ever take. It is a  journey of wholeness. The journey never ends. If we don’t make that 18” journey, we will be a  failure. We will fail within the walls of our own home and we will never be of maximum service.


29 - The Rediscovered Treasure (Part 2)


27 - The Four Essential Questions