Limbic Regulation and Revision: Shaping Your Future
Limbic regulation is how our brains manage emotions within relationships. Limbic revision allows us to reshape our emotional landscape. How might limbic regulation and revision shape your future? Find out more!

Limbic Resonance: What Did You Learn Growing Up?
Limbic resonance is the brain’s ability to sense unspoken dynamics in relationships. Reflect on your own upbringing. These early relational experiences trained your brain to navigate the world in a certain way, and they continue to influence how you relate to others today.

A Toxic Shame Solution - EMDR
Discover how EMDR therapy can help alleviate trauma and shame. Learn from a professional counselor about the nature of trauma, the destructive power of shame, and the benefits of faith-based healing. Explore the insights from the Living With Heart podcast on the essential role of emotions in personal growth and connection. Understand how EMDR, combined with family therapy, can enhance emotional well-being, reduce shame, and improve self-esteem. Start your journey toward healing and recovery with the support of Christian counseling and effective therapeutic techniques.