Genealogy Group for Women

Family Genealogy: How are you living the story you inherited?

Do you sometimes find yourself in family roles and you're unsure how you keep ending up there? Are there places in your family that don’t make sense? Do you want a greater understanding of your family of origin as a whole?

This group is for women who want to understand the story they have inherited through their family tree and restore choice over roles in the family.

Join Beth Ann Mergens, LCSW and Chandler Ross, LMSW in a 12-week group process and study of your individual genealogy.  This group is set up to be an educational and secure zone to process your journey in your own family.

This group is for you if you want to…

-Speak openly and with curiosity about what your experience in your family of origin was like.

-Be open to considering how your response to your family’s story might have shaped you.

-Go beyond the facts of your family and process with feeling what it is like to be in your family.

-Work courageously and honestly with other women.


**Groups are continually going and filling. If you would like specific dates for the next group, send us an email.**

Duration: 12 sessions each 90 minutes in length. 

Format: Includes feelings check-ins, discussion guided by our clinical work, and times of teaching. 

Beth Ann Mergens

Chandler Ross


**Groups are continually going and filling. If you would like specific dates for the next group, send us an email.**

Duration: 12 sessions each 90 minutes in length. 

Format: Includes feelings check-ins, discussion guided by our clinical work, and times of teaching.