Living with Heart: From Birth to Death
A Podcast from Dr. Chip Dodd and Bryan Barley
Dr. Chip Dodd’s ”The Voice of the Heart” is one of the seminal and most practically impactful books of the last several decades in the counseling, coaching, and mentorship space. In ”Living with Heart,” Dr. Dodd joins co-host, Bryan Barley, to discuss with greater depth, detail, and practicality how to live with heart through the entire journey of life - from birth to death.
Recent Episodes
53 - The 12 Movements - #3 A Man Remembers How He is Made
A Man Remembers How He is Made:
A man needs to admit every day, with deep awareness, that he is not God, and is created by God. He did not create himself. He was created.
An inspired man, versus just one who is ambitious, knows that he is in service of something greater than himself, a mission that his heart is “called” to.
A man humbly faces his need of God, and he does not attempt to take credit for what he did not create.
52 - The 12 Movements: #2 A Man Faces and Struggles Being a Work in Progress
A man faces and struggles with being a work in progress by admitting and struggling to accept that “clumsy is as good as we are ever going to become.”
51 - 12 Movements of a Man: The Order of Love
The Twelve Movements of a Man’s Life are about a way of living with daily routines over a lifetime. They are about bringing your heart, head, hands, and habits to your relationships and life. We build a lasting legacy one day at a time and one step at a time.
47 - Our Year in Review
Chip & Bryan discuss the major themes and topics from their first year of Living With Heart: From Birth the Death.
46 - Gratitude - Life is a Gift
In this episode of Living With Heart: From Birth to Death Podcast, Chip Dodd and Bryan Barley continue their discussion of gratitude and that life is a gift.
43 - Recovery from Codependency: Eight Myths About Boundaries
Real freedom awaits us in codependency recovery—if we take the risk of hoping and then trusting that a better way of living is on the other side of the risk. (Part 3)
42 - Recovery from Codependency: Practice Allows Us to Live Fully, Though Imperfectly
Real freedom awaits us in codependency recovery—if we take the risk of hoping and then trusting that a better way of living is on the other side of the risk. (Part 2)